Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pair of geese in paradise

I was sitting on Pope Beach enjoying the sun and was inspired to paint the Canadian geese. They are all over the beach at Lake Tahoe. At one point, there was a flock of 30 of them making there way long the beach. Now, that doesn't mean there were not people. The beach was crowded with people too. I just decided to paint them out, and focus on the geese.
In order to capture the geese in my painting, I actually took a picture of them with my phone and worked from that, because they never stop moving except to beg for some food from someone, then move on. So I took a couple of photos to work from. I think that this might have even been the same goose, but in two different positions. I had thought about putting 3 geese to improve the composition, but then the title came to me: pair of geese in paradise, and thought I would stick with that. I think that if I did this again I would take the tree out altogether, but the trees right on the edge of the beach (I think they are lodgepole pines) is one of the reasons I love Pope Beach so much.

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