Friday, August 21, 2015

Going Tribal in Maui, Hawaii

Everywhere you look here in Hawaii, you see tribal drawings...logos, window decals, tattoos. I thought I would give it a try on some of the wildlife I've seen here in Maui: the honu (green sea turtle) and the gecko, specifically the gold dust day gecko. I also have hibiscus flowers. I tried to put aloha into the one, but it's not very legible. I actually started these in pencil and realized it just didn't look right so I went over them in Sharpie and erased any stray pencil marks.


  1. I like the experimentation. It shows perseverance and willingness to take bold chances. Keep it up; you will get results. And, by the way, these actually look quite authentic as far as the styles of native peoples go. They have much in common with the Pacific islanders and the totems of the Pacific Northwest natives.

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